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Vancouver has something for everyone! There's so much to do and see - it's just a matter of choosing: Attractions, Festivals & Events, Sightseeing, and Restaurants.

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温哥华攻略 (Guide to Canada Vancouver Attractions)
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温哥华位于加拿大西南角,属于British Columbia省,离美国西北角的西雅图只有两小时的车程。城市的西侧是English Bay和Georgia Strait, 和温哥华岛以及Victoria隔海相望。北部的Burrard Inlet把市区和北温西温分隔开来,南部的Fraser River则是城区和Richmond的分界。温哥华的南端为平原,北部的海岸线则是巍峨挺拔的高山。

温哥华北部的海岸线有很多一千多米的高山从海里拔地而起。这些山脉还都比较年轻,只有两千万年的历史,造山运动还在继续。正因为这些不稳定因素,温哥华每300-500年会有一次里氏8.5-9级的特大地震。这个地区上一次特大地震是在300多年前,所以谁也不知道The Big One什么时候会光临。温哥华有大量的野生动物,你不用走到深山老林就会碰到熊,鹿,野山羊,甚至在市区你都会碰到浣熊,臭鼬,海狸,甚至草原狼。在海边的岩石上,你可以看到海豹,海狮,开船到深海地区还能碰到食人鲸。

Vancouver Attractions

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Vancouver Granville Island
Granville Island, Vancouver, BC

Granville island is a magical place and a must see for any visitor to Vancouver. It is considered to be part of downtown Vancouver, along with areas such as Gastown, Chinatown, West End, Stanley Park, Canada Place and Robson Street.
Vancouver Gastown
Gastown, Vancouver, BC

Gastown is a refreshing mix of old and new, downhome and upscale, a place for tourists, Vancouver residents and office workers alike. Various shops have the streets buzzing during the day.
West Dyke Trail in Richmond
West Dyke Trail, Richmond, BC

The popular West Dyke Trail provides excellent view of the Sturgeon Banks marshes, distant Howe Sound mountains, and the Gulf Islands along a 5.5 km path between Terra Nova and Garry Point Park.
Sloquet Creek Hot Springs in B.C.
Sloquet Creek Hot Springs, BC

Wilderness hotspring located near the north end of Harrison Lake. Several springs seep from the rocks about Sloquet Creek and flow along the ground before dropping over a short waterfall and forming a small pool which is too hot for bathing.
Vancouver Restaurant: Bridges Restaurant
Bridges Restaurant, Vancouver, B.C.

Bridges Restaurant is a popular waterfront spot, and suffers for its popularity. Very crowded, very noisy, and pricey. If you want to visit the place to see and be seen, this may be it!
Vancouver Restaurant: Stonegrill Restaurant
Stonegrill Restaurant, Vancouver, B.C.

STONEGRILL, a steak and seafood restaurant extraordinaire, is the only restaurant in Vancouver that brings your entree to your table on a slab of dense molten rock heated at precisely 400 degrees Celsius. This allows your seafood...
Vancouver Restaurant: Seasons Restaurant
Seasons Restaurant, Vancouver, B.C.

Since opening in 1989, Seasons in the Park has hosted a variety of events including a dinner for Presidents Boris Yeltsin and Bill Clinton during the 1993 Vancouver Summit, the wedding reception for Vancouver's singer/songwriter Sarah McLachlan and a surprise dinner for the International Olympic Committee as part of the 2010 Olympic bid, won by Vancouver.
Vancouver Restaurant: Tantra Lounge & Grill
Tantra Lounge & Grill, Vancouver, BC

Tantra Waterfront Lounge & Grill is a restaurant and nightclub steps from the seabus in North Vancouver. Located on the second floor of the Lonsdale Quay Hotel and overlooking downtown Vancouver, Tantra Waterfront is a sophisticated spot dedicated to dining, drinking and dancing. Enjoy a meal out on the heated patio or sip a cocktail and dance to the latest pop tunes on a Friday or Saturday night.
Vancouver Gastown
Gastown, Vancouver, BC
Gastown is a refreshing
觀賞鮭魚迴游之旅 (Chehalis River Salmon Enhancement Facility)


行程特色:觀賞一年一度的鮭魚(三文魚)回到出生地產卵的壯烈景觀,每年十月為最佳觀賞期,順道可到哈裡孫溫泉(Harrison Hot Springs)及新娘面紗瀑布(Bridal Veil Falls)一遊。

地點位於哈裡孫灣(Harrison Bay)附近的Chehalis River(戚哈李斯河),由溫哥華出發,經由七號公路(Lougheed Hwy.)過了Mission 後約三十公里,有一很大的丁字路口左轉,路口右邊是哈裡孫灣(Harrison Bay)的Kilby公園,路口左轉後再走五公里,就到鮭魚繁殖場(Chehalis River Salmon Enhancement Facility),您可進入場內參觀,開放時間為每天的8:00AM~3:30PM,開放時間外可沿著停車場邊的圍牆走到繁殖場後面的溪邊,觀賞鮭魚迴游的景觀。

最好一~二天(夜宿哈裡孫溫泉,回程可經高速公路到Chilliwack逛逛,買點農產,吃冰淇淋和遊玩Cultus 湖)

Map Salmon Trip in Vancouver Area

Vancouver Restaurant: Bridges Restaurant
Bridges Restaurant, Vancouver, B.C.

Bridges Restaurant is a popular waterfront spot, and suffers for its popularity. Very crowded, very noisy, and pricey. If you want to visit the place to see and be seen, this may be it!

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